The module is tightly integrated with Stock Picking of OpenERP. However before using it with shippping some Pre-Configuration needs to be done:
All products have Net Weight. Prior to the installation of this module Net Weights were not manadatory.
Stock location must have an address.
The Stock Picking screen will now show an extra tab for shipping information after products are selected and state of the picking is done.
Option 1: Select an already created Shipping record (in the Standalone Mode) to the picking
Option 2: Or choose to create a new Shipping Record from the Pre-Filled data in the stock move.
On clicking Generate Shipping a new shipping record is created (just as with the standalone mode). The created record can be seen in the field for ‘UPS Shipping Register’. And clicking the Folder Icon opens the Resource.
The created Shipping Record is in the Draft stage and is not confirmed.
It can be confirmed by clicking ‘Request’ then ‘Accept’, which generates the label.
The screenshots are below: