Source code for teambox

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python API for Teambox

:copyright: (c) 2011 by Openlabs Technologies & Consulting (P) Limited
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

import urllib
import urllib2
import base64
import json

__version__ = "0.1"

[docs]class RequestWithMethod(urllib2.Request): """ Implementation of urllib2.Request which also takes a method """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._method = kwargs.pop('method', None) urllib2.Request.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def get_method(self): return (self._method if self._method \ else urllib2.Request.get_method(self) )
[docs]class BaseAPI(object): """ Base implementation of the API """ #: The version of teambox api to connect to api_version = "1" def __init__(self, base_url=None, username=None, password=None): """ :param username: The username to use for Basic password auth :param password: The password for Basic auth :param base_url: URL of teambox installation. Defaults to the hosted service at """ if base_url is None: base_url = "" authorization = base64.b64encode('%s:%s' % (username, password)) self.headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': "Basic %s" % authorization } self.base_url = base_url
[docs] def make_request(self, resource, data=None, method=None): """ Send a request .. tip:: Use the method below which proxy this method as a restful interface. See :meth:`post`, :meth:`get`, :meth:`delete` and :meth:`put` :param resource: resource path without / in beginning """ url_opener = urllib2.build_opener( urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(), urllib2.HTTPSHandler(), ) url = '/'.join([self.base_url, "api/%s" % self.api_version, resource]) request = RequestWithMethod(url, data, self.headers, method=method) return json.loads(
[docs] def post(self, resource, data): """A proxy for :meth:`make_request` which sends a post to given uri """ return self.make_request(resource, urllib.urlencode(data))
[docs] def get(self, resource): """ proxy for :meth:`make_request` which sends a GET to given uri """ return self.make_request(resource)
def delete(self, resource): return self.make_reqeust(resource, method="DELETE") def put(self, resource, data): return self.make_request(resource, data, method="PUT")
[docs]class Organization(BaseAPI): """Organizations group together :class:`Projects` and :class:`User`s (via :class:`Membership`). """
[docs] def create(self, data): """Creates a new organization """ return"organizations", data)
[docs] def index(self): """Returns the most recent organizations you own or belong to. By default external organizations* aren't included. They can be included by adding external=true as a GET parameter *External organization: An organization that owns a project the user is in, but he's not on the organization. """ self.get("organizations")
[docs] def show(self, organization): """Returns the data for a given organization """ return self.get("organizations/%d" % organization)
[docs] def update(self, organization, data): """Updates an organization """ return self.put("organizations/%d" % organization, data)
[docs]class Membership(BaseAPI): """A membership links a User to an Organization. To add people to an organization, make an Invitation. """
[docs] def destroy(self, organization, membership): """Destroys a member in the organization. .. tip:: You need to be an administrator in the organization for this to work. """ path = "organizations/%d/memberships/%d" % (organization, membership) return self.delete(path)
[docs] def index(self, organization): """Returns the most recent people in the project. """ path = "organizations/%d/memberships" % organization return self.get(path)
[docs] def show(self, organization, membership): """Returns the data for a person in the project """ path = "organizations/%d/memberships/%d" % (organization, membership) return self.get(path)
[docs] def update(self, organization, membership, role): """Updates a membership in the project. You need to be an administrator in the organization for this to work. Roles are as follows: * 10 External * 20 Participant * 30 Admin """ path = "organizations/%d/memberships/%d" % (organization, membership) return self.put(path, {'role': role})
[docs]class Project(BaseAPI): """ Projects contain most of the objects present in Teambox. """
[docs] def create(self, data, organization=None): """ Routes: * projects * organizations/:organization_id/projects """ path = "organizations/%d/projects" % organization \ if organization else "projects" return, data)
[docs] def index(self, organization=None): """Returns the most recent projects you own or belong to. .. tip:: You can also filter by organization by passing in organization_id. """ path = "organizations/%d/projects" % organization \ if organization else "projects" return self.get(path)
[docs] def destroy(self, project, organization=None): """Destroys a project. .. note:: You must be the owner in order to perform this action. """ path = "organizations/%d/projects/%d" % (organization, project) \ if organization else "projects/%d" % (project) return self.delete(path)
[docs] def show(self, project, organization=None): """Returns the data for a given project """ path = "organizations/%d/projects/%d" % (organization, project) \ if organization else "projects/%d" % (project) return self.get(path)
[docs] def update(self, project, data, organization=None): """Updates a project """ path = "organizations/%d/projects/%d" % (organization, project) \ if organization else "projects/%d" % (project) return self.put(path, data)
[docs]class Person(BaseAPI): """ A person links a :class:`User` to a :class:`Project`. To add people to a project, make an Invitation. """
[docs] def destroy(self, project, person): """Destroys a person in the project. You need to be an administrator in the project for this to work. """ path = "projects/%d/people/%d" % (project, person) return self.delete(path)
[docs] def index(self, project): """Returns the most recent people in the project. """ path = "projects/%d/people" % (project,) return self.get(path)
[docs] def show(self, project, person): """Returns the data for a person in the project """ path = "projects/%d/people/%d" % (project, person) return self.get(path)
[docs] def update(self, project, person, role): """Updates a person in the project. .. note:: You need to be an administrator in the project for this to work. Roles are as follows: * 0 Observer * 1 Commenter * 2 Participant * 3 Admin """ path = "projects/%d/people/%d" % (project, person) return self.put(path, {'role': role}) #: A proxy object for :class:`Person` as teambox documentation list says #: `People` instead of `Person`
People = Person
[docs]class Activity(BaseAPI): """An activity is a record of what happened in a :class:`Project`. """
[docs] def index(self, project=None, threads=None): """Returns the most recent activities in the project. Related objects required to reconstruct a Teambox timeline are stored in references. By default all the activities will be returned, but by providing `threads=True` as a parameter, comments inside threads won't be returned. This is ideal for apps that want to display a compact view of activities (such as the collapsed view on the web version). """ path = "projects/%d/activities" % project if project \ else "activities" if threads is not None: path = "%s?threads=%s" % (path, (threads and "true" or "false")) return self.get(path)
[docs] def show(self, activity, project=None): """Returns the data for an activity in the project. """ path = "projects/%d/activities/%d" % (project, activity) \ if project else "activities/%d" % activity return self.get(path)
[docs]class Comment(BaseAPI): """A comment is the core model for communication in Teambox. Comments can belong to a Project, a Conversation, or Task. """
[docs] def create(self, data, conversation=None, task=None, project=None): """ Creates a new comment. You can specify the target of the comment using one of the appropriate routes. For time tracking, simply pass in time taken using the hours parameter. Acceptable values are the same as on the web frontend - e.g. 12h, 1.4, 13m, 2:15. Routes: * projects/:project_id/conversations/:conversation_id/comments * projects/:project_id/tasks/:task_id/comments * conversations/:conversation_id/comments * tasks/:task_id/comments """ if not any((conversation, task)): raise ValueError("Conversion ID or Task ID must be specified") if conversation: path = "conversations/%d/comments" % conversation elif task: path = "tasks/%d/comments" % task if project: # Just prefic the path with Project id path = "projects/%d/%s" % (project, path) return, data)
[docs] def destroy(self, comment): """Destroys a comment. You need to be either the owner of the comment, or an administrator of the target project for this to work. .. note:: This does not completely implement the paths impemented by teambox """ path = "comments/%d" % comment return self.delete(path)
[docs] def index(self, task=None, conversation=None, project=None, target_type=None): """ Returns the most recent comments in a the target. Use the optional target_type parameter to filter tasks by their target type, which can be either Conversation or Task. For example, to only view only comments belonging to conversations, you would query """ if project and task: path = "projects/%d/tasks/%d/comments" % (project, task) elif project and conversation: path = "projects/%d/conversations/%d/comments" % ( project, conversation ) elif project: path = "projects/%d/comments" % project elif task: path = "tasks/%d/comments" % task elif conversation: path = "conversations/%d/comments" % conversation else: path = "comments" if target_type is not None: assert target_type in ("Conversation", "Task") path = "%s?target_type=%s" % (path, target_type) return self.get(path)
[docs] def show(self, comment): """Returns the data for an comment. .. note:: This does not completely implement the paths impemented by teambox """ path = "comments/%d" % comment return self.get(path)
[docs] def update(self, comment, data): """Updates the content of a comment. .. warning:: You can no longer update comments 15 minutes after they have been created. """ path = "comments/%d" % comment return self.put(path, data)
[docs]class Invitation(BaseAPI): """An Invitation invites a User to a Project, via email. .. warning:: NOT IMPLEMENTED YET """ pass
[docs]class Conversation(BaseAPI): """Conversation is a group of comments. It can also act as a thread in the project overview. Comments belong to a Project. .. warning:: NOT IMPLEMENTED YET """ pass
[docs]class TaskList(BaseAPI): """A task list is a collection of Tasks in a Project. """
[docs] def archive(self, project, task_list): """Archives the task list. .. warning:: All tasks belonging to the task list will be updated and resolved. """ path = "projects/%d/task_lists/%d/archive" % (project, task_list) return self.put(path, None)
def create(self, data, project=None): path = "task_lists" if project: path = "projects/%d/%s" % (project, path) return, data)
[docs] def destroy(self, task_list, project=None): """Destroys a task list. """ path = "task_lists/%d" % task_list if project: path = "projects/%d/%s" % (project, path) return self.delete(path)
[docs] def index(self, project=None, archived=None): """Returns the most recent task lists in a project. .. tip:: To filter by archived or unarchived lists, pass in the optional archived parameter. To view everything, simply omit the archived parameter. """ path = "task_lists" if project: path = "projects/%d/%s" % (project, path) if archived is not None: path = "%s?archived=%s" % (archived and "true" or "false") return self.get(path)
[docs] def reorder(self, project, order): """Reorders the task lists in a project according to the order each task list id is presented in task_list_ids. :param order: List of task_list ids in the order """ path = "projects/%d/task_lists/reorder" % project return self.put(path, {'task_list_ids': ",".join(order)})
[docs] def show(self, task_list, project=None): """Returns the data for a task list. """ path = "task_lists/%d" % task_list if project: path = "projects/%d/%s" % (project, path) return self.get(path)
[docs] def unarchive(self, project, task_list): """Unarchives the task list. """ path = "projects/%d/task_lists/%d/unarchive" % (project, task_list) return self.put(path, None)
[docs] def update(self, task_list, data, project=None): """Updates the name, start date and end date of a task list. """ path = "task_lists/%d" % task_list if project: path = "projects/%d/%s" % (project, path) return self.put(path, data)